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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Finding the Interred at the UNMCK

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It is possible to type in just one of the categories below in order to search for the war dead from the Korean War.

Total 128

Nation Last Name First Name Service No. Rank Unit Date of Death Grave No.
118 NETHERLANDS BROUWER F H-270704005 SOLD. 1E. K1 Regiment van Heutsz 26-Jul-51 2436
117 NETHERLANDS CLEFFKEN H 270226003 KORP Regiment van Heutsz 18-Feb-52 2456
116 NETHERLANDS DALING J 150220013 SOLD. 1E. K1 Regiment van Heutsz 31-May-51 2414
115 NETHERLANDS DE BLAEIJ D 240421007 KORP Regiment van Heutsz 10-Oct-51 2449
113 NETHERLANDS DE ROO B A 280831457 KORP Regiment van Heutsz 14-Feb-53 2471
112 NETHERLANDS DEEGMULDER T - SOLD Regiment van Heutsz 22-Dec-52 -
111 NETHERLANDS DEN HAAN T J 281115272 SOLD Regiment van Heutsz 12-Feb-51 533
110 NETHERLANDS DEN OUDEN M P A 90821009 LT. KOL. CDT Regiment van Heutsz 12-Feb-51 529
109 NETHERLANDS DISSEL A 240220008 SOLD. 1E. K1 Regiment van Heutsz 31-May-51 2427

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Dedicate flowers

Flowers dedication

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your precious heart.