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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Visit by Mr.&Mrs. Jerome Petit, Netherlands Veteran

  • Writer관리자
  • Date2007-07-02 16:21:37
  • Count2250


Mr. Jerome Petit who visited Seoul, came down to Busan, with pleasure to meet his comrades rested at the UNMCK.
He felt sorry about that the wreath for Ketting Olivier, which he brought from Seoul, shivelled due to the hot weather.

However, his comrade would know his sinserity.


In front of Ketting Olivier's grave

In front of the Wall of Remembrance

He repeated the names of his comrades in front of the Netherlands pannel of the Wall. It seemed to remind him of many things.

Many Netherlands' soliders died at fighting place on 12 February 1951, and his best friend, Ketting Olivier also killed on that day.