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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Thinking How Old the Interred Would Be

  • WriterLee Suk Jo
  • Date2007-12-24 12:24:58
  • Count2134

With passing of another year,
a thought dawned on me.
The thought that the interred at the UNMCK
would also age by one year.

While the oldest hero interred will be 111,
the youngest interred will be 74.
Mr. Carabot, the oldest, was 54 when he gave his life,
and Mr. Daunt, the youngest, was 17 when he fell.

So all the interred at the UNMCK would be somewhere
between the age of 74 and 111.
Most would probably be in the late 70s or early 80s
'cause many died in their 20s.

It's been just a thought in numbers
as yet another year is passing by.