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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Visit by Mr&Mrs. Richiard

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2008-07-10 14:09:24
  • Count2232

On 27, June, 2008, Mr. Richard and his wife visited UNMCK where his older brother, the interred, D R Cresswell rests in peace. When Mr. Cresswell was killed in action in Korean War, Richard was just eight days old. He never had a chance to meet his brother in person, so all he could recall about his brother is the story learned from his mother. He longed to pay a visit Korea for 55 years mourning and missing his brother, and at last he could visit the brother's grave site in 2008.

Actually he visited UNMCK on 26 June, but he also wanted to visit the next day because that day was his brother's birthday. He wanted to pay a tribute and offer some memorable materials to his brother's grave, such as a picture of his mother, hand-written letters by his old sister and himself, mother's bracelet, and four-leaf clovers. He could bury the materials beside the grave, assisted by the UNMCK staff. It is certain that the fallen soldier, Mr. Cresswell could feel how much he is loved and cared by his family members.