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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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The Bereaved Families of the UN Allied Forces of Korean War - In Memory of Pvt. Kenneth W. Norton

  • WriterJoanne Ware
  • Date2008-12-03 00:49:13
  • Count2289

Trying to find the proper words for an incredible opportunity, the journey that we were privileged to be part of and thanks to all involved from the UNMCK Commission, the Republic of Korea, Vince Courtenay, the presence of the Guard of Honor, Sok-pu Elementary School Choir, Vice-Minister of MPVA, Busan City Chorus, friendships made and cherished memories that I will hold in my heart and soul forever.
It is my honor to be a very special part of the Turn Toward Busan Commemorative Ceremony of Thanks and Remembrance for the United Nations Fallen, respect and honor the fallen of the UN Nations and pay respects to my Uncle Kenneth W. Norton whom I never had the honor or privilege of meeting and personally thanking him for his ultimate sacrificies for his part in what he was called upon to do and believed in and for his family.
Knowing that he will never be forgotten and is in the care of such loving, gentle hands and caring hearts every day somehow brings a sense of peace and calm.
It truly is the Land of the Morning Calm. Thank you to each and every person and organization that made this unforgettable journey possible.
In friendship forever, memories to last a lifetime.
We Will Remember Them.