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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Dear Korean Veterans

  • WriterYaeeun Lee
  • Date2020-06-23 00:54:10
  • Count866

Dear Korean War Veterans, Hello, I'm Yae-eun Lee and I'm 19 years old living in Seoul, South Korea. These days, COVID-19 is still not quiet, and we're having a hard time all over the world. How are you doing? Isn't it hard to live with a mask on? It may be difficult to get through, but I hope you take good care of your health while keeping your distance from people. I go to school every day because I am about to take a test to enter the university. At school, I wear a mask all day and eat lunch with my friends having a transparent partition. It's a little difficult because teachers wear masks when they take classes, so I feel like I can't communicate well with them. It's pretty hard to adjust to this situation, but I think I'm used to it these days, but it's still scary. While people around the world are afraid of the fear of death caused by Corona Virus, on the other hand, medical staffs are sacrificing and trying to save the world. These days, not only medical staffs but also citizens are working hard for each other's health by practicing social distance campaigns. When can a vaccine be developed and we go back to the pre-COVID-19 life? I'm worried but at the same time, I think it's my job to be healthy and do my best in my place. Looking at this situation this year, reminded me of the situation 70 years ago - the Korean War. In the war, I thought of veterans who fought against the fear of death in a foreign land, not in their hometown, and I thought to be similar to the medical staffs who now fight against COVID-19. Perhaps it was a more intense situation of fear, but you fought for our Korea, so I would like to express my gratitude to you for showing your sacrifice. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War. 70 years have passed, but we are still sad to be divided. Nevertheless, I will never forget that our South Korea has been able to achieve economic development and create a good society thanks to your sacrifice. Would I have been able to live in such a peaceful society without your sacrifice? I want to emulate your courage. I want to be a person like you who sacrifices for others and moves forward. I will not forget your dedication and will always remember the days I live are all from your sacrifice. Whenever I learn the history of the Korean War, I think of you and study the history. I will remember that it was a very important event and the most brilliant moments for you because it was the war that our country had pain but could stand up again through your efforts. Once again, I would like to thank you and I will always pray for your health in this COVID-19 situation. With gratitude, Lee Yae-eun.