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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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[일반] Message to Ms.Park

  • WriterS.H. Park
  • Date2007-08-25 21:19:08
  • Count4230

Dear Ms. Park,

First of all, I wish to thank you on your meticulous update and the care you give to this website.

I am writing this post to bring to your attention a grave error that occured while I was browsing through this website.

In the Introduction - "Decision to Establish" Section, it says that

"...This sanctimonious cemetery occupying 14.7 hectare of land became a burial ground in April 1951 following relocation of the graves..."

I believe that the word "Sanctimonious" is not good. It is definitely bad.

It means "Feigning piety or righteousness" and is the equivalent of hypocrisy, faking and pretending to be goody-goody while actually, he isn't.

May I have the impudence to suggest that you actually meant to say "solemn" or "sacred" or something along that line?

Therefore, I plead that you please fix it, for the the negative implication that the word "santimonious" holds is somewhat insulting to the brave soldiers who fought and perished here.

Otherwise, I think that the introduction is a beautifully written piece, summarizing the object of the UNMCK in simple but sincere prose.

Thank you for taking your time to read this post.

Sincerely yours,

So-Hyun Park