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M. H. RORKE's story from South Africa, the intered at UNMCK

  • Writer관리자
  • Date2008-01-30 09:48:29
  • Count3020

-First South African buried at the UNMCK on 16 May 1951-
M. H. RORKE, DOD:15 MAY 1951

Lt. Rorke was to take-off at 18h55 on 15 May 1951. Rorke opened his throttle and started rolling. About three-quarters of the way down the strip he became airborne. As he became airborne his nose seemed to come higher and the aircraft, instead of climbing remained approximately 10ft off the runway. His aircraft started a slow turn to the left heading towards a B-29 bomber standing to port of the runway and about 40 yards from the end. His left wing started to drop, and Rorke jettisoned his two napalm bombs just prior to him impacting the B-29, both aircraft turned into an inferno. This was Mickey Rorke’s third sortie for the afternoon, and take-off was shortly after sunset.

*The source: 2 SQUADRON IN KOREA