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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Finding the Interred at the UNMCK



  • Nation AUSTRALIA
  • Unit 3rd Battalion / Royal Australian Regiment
  • Service No. 3/400125
  • Rank PRIVATE
  • Date of Death 31-Aug-51
  • Location 28-3-11
  • Grave No. 1007

Burial Story

Born in Queensland, Australia as a brother of Barbara, Dulice, Keith and Cliff. According to the burial record, he died of drowning due to the battle casualty. He was also found with personal belongings, such as a wallet, pictures, notebooks, and campaign ribbons.

The total number of flowers 19,601
  • If you would like to dedicate flowers for the above fallen, please click.

  • You may leave a message in dedication.

  • To see the interment report of the interred, The Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded by clickingthe button below, is required for viewing the full text.

    Burial report

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Flowers dedication

We are delivering
your precious heart.