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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

Please write whatever dedicational message you wish.
If your message is found unsuitable, it will be deleted.

Total 550 List (5/55 page)

No. Title Writer Count Date
510 Susan Jamieson 573 2022-11-29
509 Graham and Sue Smith 575 2022-11-22
508 G Jones 570 2022-11-12
507 Nemie JUN 578 2022-11-11
506 Jude.H 584 2022-11-08
505 Robert JohnstonMoore 803 2022-09-08
504 Margaret Carr 768 2022-08-05
503 Roberta Wallace 852 2022-06-21
502 Marilyn James 771 2022-06-07
501 michael joseph buckl 865 2022-04-01

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