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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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Let’s come together and spread humanity throughout the world for mankind!

  • WriterLEE Suk Jo
  • Date2008-02-14 10:17:56
  • Count3813

Here rest 2,300 UN soldiers who gave their invaluable lives during the Korean War. It is my humble hope that a visit to the UNMCK, the only UN cemetery in the world, will effect your sincere tribute to those who fell fighting for peace and freedom. Your visit will help you reminisce the historic meanings of the sacrifice made by the fallen, which will be one of the ways to keep Korea great.

It is my belief that paying tribute to the priceless sacrifices made by those interred at the UNMCK will help bring about a more caring humane global village, regardless of race or nationality.