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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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My fathers grave

  • WriterJames. F. Tyler
  • Date2009-05-13 09:00:38
  • Count2088

My father was killed in February of 1951 fighting for the UN in the Koean war. He is buried in the UNMCK, Bhusan.
My son and I visited the cemetery nearly 4 years ago when some construction work to pathways was being done. Two weeks ago, along with my daughter, we visited again and was absolutely delighted with the work done by the Korean people in the memorial cemetary.

On behalf of my family I wish to extend my gratefull thanks to the architects, builders and custodians of the UNMCK for designing, building and looking after this beautiful site. Also to the ROK government for the funding to enable this memorial to the fallen UN soldiers.

I have attached a photograph of my father, W.G.TYLER (UK) and would be honoured if you could place it in MEMORIAL HALL 2 along with other photographs of the deceased buried at the UNMCK.

When looking at the beautifull South Korean children and the happy young people living in peace and freedom I know that my father would be happy knowing that he did not die in vain.

May your God bless and protect you all.

With gratefull thanks.