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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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God bless Korea!

  • WriterWando
  • Date2009-06-14 20:09:03
  • Count1994

What is conflict over foreign occupation, we know. What is mean independence, we know. Unfortunately, the independence was forced between two same and neighboring country.

We as Turks call to our soldiers as Mehmetcik. The Mehmet was one of common name on our independence war. A lots of parent gave the name to their sons. Thus, "Mehmetcik" become title for Turkish soldiers.
This hero of the day's name is Mehmet. Especially i selected this hero for symbolize our soldiers. Turkish soldiers fight for South Korea's independence. So Turkish soldiers become your sons. We always present our endless thanks to Koreans. We are proud of all Korea and it's people.

God bless all martyrs' soul and Koreans. We love Korea!