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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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To. The unknown soldiers

  • WriterShin Chae Hyeon
  • Date2019-05-12 20:43:38
  • Count769

To. The unknown soldiers. Hello, soldiers?? I am Chae Hyeon Shin from Korea. Now, I am 15 years old and I live in Hanam. I wrote this letter, because I want to say thank you by this letter. These day I study fluently and play with my friends happily. Do you know why I have exciting day? It is why you made this for me and my friends. In the pass you help our country Korea, and protect out country's people. So our country can be stable and now I can enjoy my life. I can guess you At that time sometimes you worried or sometimes you scared. Maybe If I were you I do not join that helping for Korea. It is very selfish mind but I am really coward of that situation. For these reasons I am really respect you and I thought you are great person. And also I want to be like you. For next I will tell you about my information. As you know I am middle school student. In addition I really like eating. I did not eat particular food. And I recommend you should take care of your health. These days I always eat but I did not exercise. So I become fat:( So I want you keep exercise the other way just like me. Oh I almost forget something to tell you. I really study English hard because I want to bring this letter to you and I want to travel around the world. My favorite country is Switzerland. It change many time but now my favorite country is Switzerland. What is you favorite country. I love my country Korea but everytime live in Korea so I feel Switzerland different. Nowadays I love sky blue and yellow. In the pass I love pink, but these day I love sky blue and yellow. Because I often look up the sky, the sky's color is very beautiful and wonderful. And yellow has nothing for my favorite color, yellow is just great!!! But I little like pink too:) Oh I will recommend some songs, my favorite song is Rain song by Paul Kim. He is popular in Korea and his voice is really nice. And this song is just like sleeping song so I often listen this song when I can't sleep. So may be you can go to sleep by this song. Also the lyrics are awesome!!!! I really want to you listen this song!! And it is time to say goodbye. If I have a chance to write a letter to you I will do it again. Please protect your health!!! Good bye~~ From. Chae Hyeon Shin