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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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To the unknown soldiers

  • WriterKim Min Jun
  • Date2019-05-13 21:27:37
  • Count788

To the unknown soldiers. Hello, unknown soldier who fought very bravely in Korean war. I'm Kim Min Jun from South Korea. I'm 16 years old and I live in Seoul of your help. Before we get to start, all I can say is thank you for helping our country. It should be our country, not my country or your country or Korean's country because you dedicated your whole life in Korean war and we trying to make better future. Korean war was really huge war. Many innocent people were died. Even though it was a truly tragic event, you fought powerfully and bravely so I really respecting you. Through your help, Korean student can studying and playing what they want. When I was in elementary school I couldn't realize that many soldiers helped our country. Maybe I might know that but I was hard for me to give message or presents. However I doing hard now because there is a big difference of realized and not realized. It's insignificant compared to your achievements, studying is really hard for me. But finally I found it the reason why I have to doing hard on my work. History is very important because we can learn from them and we can improve our future. You are the men who defended bad history. 80% of your life might war but it is very valuable work. I may not understand your mind, but I can understand your pain and ordeal. Maybe nobody can treat your pain but I hope you can relax when you read my letter. All of Koreans are respecting and loving you. If there wasn't you, South Korea might be dead territory. Korea improve to many things like soccer. Soccer became very popular in Korea. Having favorite sports is very lucky. Do you have any favorite sports? For me, soccer is my favorite. Now I'm going to finish my speech. I want to say love you. It is really hard to get involved in the war, but you did. It mean your brave man. Your age, your status is not important. Just involved in war is important. Not only Korean but also the whole people in Earth will never forget your help. Whatever your status is, I respect you forever for risking your life for our country. I have been telling you so much, I will love and respect you forever and Korean will never forget your help. Sincerely, Kim Min Jun