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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Dear unknown soldiers who participated in the Korean War

  • WriterHareen Oh
  • Date2019-05-15 22:37:27
  • Count785

May 15, 2019 Dear unknown soldiers who participated in the Korean War, Hello! My name is Hareen Oh. I am a 17-year-old girl from South Korea. My new high school is kind of tough but it is fun at the same time. These days the weather is great in Korea. It is summer now so the cherry blossoms have fallen but the warm air and slight breeze make it a perfect day to go out with my friends. And a few days ago my school went on a field trip to Jeju Island. The sea was so pretty so I took many pictures. My life is fun and I am having a great time right now. And I believe my happy life is thanks to you. You and all the other unknown soldiers fought in the Korean War and help protect our country. It wasn’t even your country and you could have chosen to stay safe at home. But you didn’t. You came to help us although it was dangerous. It was very courageous of you to make a difficult decision like that. When I was younger, my grandmother would sometimes tell me stories about times during the war. Even at a young age I could tell that it was a harsh situation. But I can’t imagine all the hardships you must have had during the war, and how hard you fought for us. I want to thank you for not giving up and trying your best to save Korea. And thanks to you and the other unknown soldiers, Korea is now a safe country. I can see the blue sky when I go to school, hang around with my friends sometimes and sleep soundly at night. I can also do things that I like in my free time. My hobby is drawing and baking. I wasn’t good at drawing at first, but through practice I think I am much better than before. And I like baking cookies and giving them to my family and friends. If I ever get a chance to meet you, I would like to share my cookies with you too! Without your effort, I wouldn’t have been able to do all these things and live a peaceful and happy life like this. The world where my life takes place is made by you and your fellow veterans. I owe everything I enjoy right now to you. Although it has been almost 70 years since the Korean War, we will still remember your effort and thank you for making Korea the beautiful country it is today. Sincerely, Hareen Oh