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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

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Dear Korean War Veterans

  • WriterJunho Park
  • Date2020-03-29 19:42:11
  • Count917

Hello, my name is Junho Park and I am a high school student right now. Currently there is the Corona Virus rampaging through out the world discouraging and depriving hope of people. Actually, it is said that the lethality of the virus itself is not vital, but the propagation of it is too fast that the medical system can’t keep up with it and so in the status quo many innocent people are dying. I guess it is moments when people die innocently or from causes that we could have prevented which make me sad. I think these occur to teach us a lesson to not repeat again. For example, not too long ago, we never thought about sanitation much and just considered spaces clean when road sweepers sanitize the streets. However, now everyone carries mini hand sanitizers and are cautious whether their area is safe of germs. If you cough even a little bit, everyone around you stare at you and try to evacuate the place. It is pitiful that you can’t believe the person next to you with suspicion that the person has the virus. Through this pandemic, we have learned a lesson of the significance of sanitation and the weak points of our medical lesson. And from your noble sacrifices we have not only learned how precious our country is, but also the humanity of people around the world. Even right now I will hesitate if I have been ordered to help a small and remote country. Being a teenager, I know understand how difficult it is to help each other regardless how large or small your appreciation is. But you showed us humaneness and helped us. The more mature I become and have social relationships in the society, I more understand how hard the decisions that you made were. I’m now trying to enter college to become a person that I want. I want to become an engineer and research for ways to make our society a more comfortable and lively place. Too develop inventions and devices, I first have to know what things and problems people desire and hope to be solved. I look around in the past and the present all moments. Ah, I also meet the Korean Veterans living near my school. They tell me their story where they fought and how they think of the present world. They are pleased that they made the Korea right now a lively place, but they sometimes they think that nobody now recognizes the sacrifices they did. For evidence, they are mistreated and aren’t living as heroes. I feel sorry for the real heroes of the past to be forgotten. Only the war is remembered and the real heroes are under the surface. When, I become a adult and have the opportunity to make something, I intend to fix the world to look through the surface and recognize the back side of the coin. For the first step, I will be making inventions for it too be realized. I hope you live long forever to see the effort I will make for you. Thank you for saving us and be healthy from the virus.