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Paying Tribute

People all over the world, who love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

Tributary Message

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Dear. Korean War Veterans

  • WriterEunhye Cho
  • Date2020-04-01 15:32:42
  • Count1029

Dear. Korean War Veterans Hello. My name is Eun Hye Cho and I am 18 years old. Since I am attending to high school, on these days I am supposed to be in school. But because of the Korona Virus, there have been many changes in my daily life. To prevent the rapid spread and the infection of the virus, schools are not started yet and I’m still not sure when I can go to school. Moreover, streets are also having changes. The number of people walking on the streets has dropped a lot, and even those walking are all wearing masks. Public places where people actively use such as restaurants, cafes are all silent because people do not visit those kinds of places to prevent infection. If it was the situation when virus hadn’t gone viral, these places must have been actively operated, unlike they are now. Countless people are very afraid that the spread of the virus shows no sign of stopping. The confirmed infection cases are still happening around me. The fact that the virus is spreading all around the country and the infected are now in my neighborhood makes me feel more terrified. To sum up, people are afraid the virus since there is no official remedy or medicine to cure. So we are just hoping and waiting for the situation to end without any more infected people. We are now in a horrible situation, but to tell you a positive news, we are working together to get rid of the virus. We are all wearing masks and are washing our hands to not cause harm to others. If possible, we try not to visit public places and are practicing ‘Social Distancing’. ‘Social Distancing’ is a campaign and was designed to minimize contact with people. For example, we stay at home as much as possible, conduct virtual meetings, use food delivery services or online shopping. In order to alert citizens, the government sends real-time information such as the movements of the infected to residents in the neighborhood when patients also resident in the same neighborhood. So I think everyone is taking to action and they are wishing for the same thing. Also, I feel grateful to the doctors and nurses who always work hard to treat patients. I feel proud to see citizens unite in these crisis situations where we all have to work together. I hope this situation to end safely as soon as possible. I hope you to be safe and have a good day too. I am especially grateful to this country and I want to send you endless gratitude for your efforts for keeping our country safe. I can live safely and owe my life in this country because of your contribution. As I felt this time, I feel that nothing is important than health. I thought I should be thankful to be able to live a healthy life and to be able to live with the people around me. I also wish you have a safe and a healthy life. Thanks for your dedication of my country, and I pray that your life is full of blessings. Thank you for everything!! Sincerely, Eun Hye Cho