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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.


Here are the news and future plans of the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea.

Placement of wreath for the bereaved family

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2020-04-02 10:52:27
  • Count1790

A wreath was placed today(2 April) at the grave of Cpl. Edward Smith, at the request of his daughter Judith Saunders, who lives in England. The wreath marks the birthday of Cpl., who lost his life in the Korean War on 13 November 1951.

Bereaved families and friends who wish lay a wreath in honor of an interred person may do so in two ways:

1. Online wreath: You can place a virtual flower by visiting our website at unmck.or.kr and following the links “Paying Tribute” > “Cyber Flower Dedications”

2. Requests may also be made to have a physical wreath laid by contacting Ms. Yejin Jeon at yjjeon@unmck.or.kr and indicating the type of flower arrangement you wish to have laid. Ms. Jeon will provide instructions for sending payment via wire transfer. A photo of the wreath will be provided to the family.