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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.


Here are the news and future plans of the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea.

The 47th Meeting of the Commission for the UNMCK

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2020-10-22 20:37:15
  • Count1561

The 47th Regular Commission Meeting for the UNMCK was held at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Busan.


Chair: Ambassador of the Netherlands (HE Joanne DOORNEWAARD), and other members including Ambassador of Australia (HE James CHOI), Ambassador of Canada (HE Michael DANAGHER), Ambassador of France (HE Philippe LEFORT), Ambassador of New Zealand (HE Philip TURNER), Ambassador of Norway (HE Frode SOLBERG), Turkish Ambassador (HE Ersin ERÇIN), British Ambassador (HE Simon SMITH), US Ambassador (HE Harry HARRIS), South African Counselor (Mr. Gert DU PREEZ), and Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mr. Wook-jin CHANG) attended.


Amb. (Ret'd) Lee Younsoo, Custodian of the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea, and administrative staff attended this meeting as well.


At this meeting, there were discussions on next year's budget, the election of the next head of management, the efficient management, and operation of the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea, and future issues.

