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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.


Here are the news and future plans of the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea.

US Veteran's Burial Ceremony (20 Nov. 2020)

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2020-11-20 18:48:28
  • Count4940

On 20 November, the remains of Korean War veteran Harold R. Johnstad (USA) were laid to rest at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea.

Mr. Johnstad was at first opposed to the idea of his being buried at the UNMCK, saying he felt he was not as deserving as others who lie there, but his wife and family were able to persuade him to change his mind.

Because of COVID-19 precautions, the burial ceremony was small yet dignified with several people coming to pay their final respects, including members of Mr. Johnstad's family; the head of the Busan regional branch of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Mr. Yul-jung KWON, the US consul Mr. Gordon CHURCH, and HTC Troy HEFFNER (USN).​


-Chaplain Stuart Kazarovich offers the opening prayer-

-Members of the Johnstad family inter the remains of Russell H. Johnstad at the UNMCK-

-The bereaved family pays their final respects-

-Wreath laying by Director of the Busan Regional branch of the MPVA, Mr. Yul-jung KWON-

-US Consul Mr. Gordon CHURCH lays a wreath-

-HTC Troy HEFFNER (USN) lays a wreath on behalf of the USNFK CO RDML Buzz Donnelly-