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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

UN Sharing Board

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Error on Website

  • WriterCurtis Sutherland
  • Date2021-05-21 14:44:14
  • Count1270


I know that the UNMCK TYPO Contest is for finding errors at the UNMCK, but you may like to know of a typo on your website as well.

UNMCK Facilities
General View
Right Side
Turkish Memorial 1
"Greek Menorial" - Greek Memorial

Thank you for all of your dedication and hard work!

Admin answers

2021-05-25 09:20:11 (Admin)
Dear Curtis,

Thank you for pointing out the errors on our website. We will go ahead and make changes.

Please send us your information via email (unmck@unmck.or.kr). Please make sure you title the email as "UNMCK Website Error Challenge". The information we need are as followed:

- Your full name
- Phone number
- Address

Thank you, and have a great day!