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People all over the world, whe love peace and freedom, may pay tribute and give thanks for the sacrifice made by the fallen.

UN Sharing Board

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Find the TYPO Challenge

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2021-05-12 09:20:43
  • Count1697

Hello, this is the Office of the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea.

In order to make the official website of the United Nations Memorial Cemetery operate more smoothly, we are holding the “Find the TYPO Challenge” in 2021.

Details are as follows.


1.  Period: May 12th-May 31st, 2021

2.  How to Apply: Go to the United Nations Memorial Cemetery website (www.unmck.or.kr) and locate the 'UN Sharing Board' bulletin in the 'Activities' tab

3.  Additional Information

1)  Be sure to leave the author's name, date of birth, and contact information (mobile phone/telephone number, email, postal address).

(This is a necessary procedure for prize delivery, so please be sure to fill it out.)

2)  Write down the path in detail so that the typo can be checked by the person in charge.

Example) UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea -> Facility Information -> Greece Monument -> In the symbolic content, it should be modified to 'Memoriel for all soldiers' -> 'Memorial for all soldiers'.

** Please note that applications for typos with unclear explanations will be invalid.

** For duplicate entries, the prize will be given to the person who submitted it first.

3)  1 gift certificate (2,000 won) for each typo

4)  Typographic range: You can apply for all 2 languages (Korean, English). However, posts by visitors posted on the bulletin board are not applicable.


Any inquiries will be answered promptly. Thank you for your interest.